Children (Ages 5-12)
For this age group, Dr. Price uses a combination of Cognitive Behavioral & Play Therapy techniques in both individual and group settings for a range of difficulties including:
Self-Injurious Behavior
Children of Divorce, Blended Families
Low Self-Esteem/Lack of Confidence
Grief & Loss
Self-Injurious Behavior
Children of Divorce, Blended Families
Low Self-Esteem/Lack of Confidence
Grief & Loss
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/What is Play Therapy?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an empirically supported technique based on the premise that cognitions (thoughts) determine how people feel and act, and that faulty cognitions can contribute to psychological and emotional disturbances. The goal is to gain understanding of the irrational thoughts, ideas and behaviors that interfere with healthy functioning and to correct them. However, for younger children, who may be lacking the developmental ability to understand traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) techniques, the blending of play and play-based techniques with CBT is often essential.
Play Therapy is a proven therapeutic modality that allows children to grow, learn, heal and thrive. Because children often do not have the verbal abilities to fully communicate their feelings, through play, children can confront their problems, express themselves, learn coping strategies and develop appropriate resolutions and gain insight about how to handle situations.
Relaxation Training For Kids: Believe it or not Kids have stress too! Because children often do not yet have the ability to communicate their emotions effectively, they tend to communicate with their behaviors, (Ex: tantrums, avoidance, "regressive/aka clingy/expression of fear of separation" etc. The "Relaxation Response is a natural innate protective mechanism which allows us to turn off harmful effects from stress through changes that decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure, relaxes muscles and decreases rate of breathing, and in this way brings the body back into a healthier balance. For children, relaxation techniques are just as important and are taught to them in a way that they can understand and appears playful and fun!
Play Therapy is a proven therapeutic modality that allows children to grow, learn, heal and thrive. Because children often do not have the verbal abilities to fully communicate their feelings, through play, children can confront their problems, express themselves, learn coping strategies and develop appropriate resolutions and gain insight about how to handle situations.
Relaxation Training For Kids: Believe it or not Kids have stress too! Because children often do not yet have the ability to communicate their emotions effectively, they tend to communicate with their behaviors, (Ex: tantrums, avoidance, "regressive/aka clingy/expression of fear of separation" etc. The "Relaxation Response is a natural innate protective mechanism which allows us to turn off harmful effects from stress through changes that decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure, relaxes muscles and decreases rate of breathing, and in this way brings the body back into a healthier balance. For children, relaxation techniques are just as important and are taught to them in a way that they can understand and appears playful and fun!